TeachingBooks webinar: Enhancing School Promotion of Summer Reading Programs

3:30 PM - 4:15 PM

Event Details

Please join TeachingBooks.net for a 35 minute webinar highlighting ready to use and custom reading lists.  We will share practical examples you can use in your libraries to support summer reading programs. This session is especially focused on school librarians.

Learning Objective:  Create Custom Reading Lists to share with children and families for summer reading programs.

*To register:  https://goo.gl/forms/92fo1KYnqyQYfaTt2

*On the day of the session, log in here:  https://teachingbooks.net/book  Select "Enter as a Guest," enter your name, and enter the room.

*This session will be worth 1 TLEU.  TeachingBooks.net will issue a Certificate of Attendance which may be used in place of a TLEU certificate to document your attendance. 

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Event Type(s): ISL Webinar
Beth Yates
(317) 234-5649